Forenet Kredit

Forenet Kredit is the association behind two of Denmark’s largest mortgage companies — Nykredit and Totalkredit. To raise awareness, they sponsor the national football team. During the European Championships, we created Denmark’s biggest wave of support to help the players win. Inspired by the Mexican wave, we invited every Dane, from the northern tip to the southernmost point, to create a human wave traveling through Denmark and ending at the border with Germany, where the Championship was played. 

First, we launched a digital video campaign to recruit participants and directed them to a website where they could see exactly when to join the wave based on their location in Denmark. More than 30,000 Danes participated. We then compiled footage from their waves to create a celebratory video, which we sent to the national team and aired on TV and digital platforms — showcasing the enormous wave of support and unity across Denmark.

Let's pong

Give Mette Hørdum a ping at +45 21844004 /
or Thomas Nolsøe at +45 53803339 / 
- and we will return with a remarkable pong.



Rantzausgade 60A
2200 Nørrebro